
Cloud Cost Optimization:
Reduce Your Cloud Expenses By Up To 40% While Boosting Performance Stop Bots in Their Tracks

  • ➤ Leverage Auto-scaling
  • ➤ Optimize Storage
  • ➤ Implement Cost Monitoring

When: Thursday, 1st August, 2024, 2PM Eastern Time
Where: Zoom Meetings

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Tired of skyrocketing cloud costs eating into your budget? Take control and turn your cloud investment into a powerhouse of efficiency and savings.

Join our dynamic webinar, where cloud experts reveal advanced strategies to optimize your infrastructure. Learn to eliminate waste, right-size resources, and automate for effortless cost efficiency. We’ll cover cloud billing, reserved instances, and top tools for managing spend. Walk away with actionable insights to maximize your cloud investment. Whether you’re a cloud admin, IT manager, or business leader, you’ll gain powerful strategies to balance cost and performance.

Join our expert-led webinar on Cloud Cost Optimization Tactics and discover how to slash your expenses while boosting performance.

Cloud Cost Optimization

Topics Covered

  • Understanding the fundamentals of cloud cost structures
  • Identifying cost drivers to eliminate wasteful spending
  • Right-sizing your resources to match actual needs
  • Leveraging reserved instances and savings plans
  • Automating cost management
  • Best practices for cost allocation and tagging
  • Strategic planning for long-term savings
  • Interactive Q&A session

Why You Should Attend?

Gain expert insights to implement best practices that can

  • Unlock significant savings
  • Enhance operational efficiency
  • Improve financial planning
  • Boost performance without compromise
  • Network with peers
  • Transform your cloud strategy

Who Is It For?

  • IT Managers and Directors
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • DevOps Professionals
  • Finance and Procurement Officers
  • Business Leaders
  • Anyone looking to optimize cloud investments


Satish Kumar

Sathish Kumar Mariappan Cybersecurity Expert

With 15+ years of experience in cybersecurity, Sathish led the team in implementing robust bot protection measures for ‘Edge-Gear,’ ensuring its resilience against malicious attacks.
Nash Ogden

Nash Ogden
AWS Cloud Specialist

Nash spearheaded the optimization efforts, leveraging cutting-edge techniques to enhance ‘Edge-Gear’s’ website performance, resulting in a remarkable 50% improvement.

73% of organizations are focusing on cloud cost optimization as their top cloud initiative

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